What Does Inline Frame Mean?
An Inline Frame (IFRAME/IFrame) element allows one HTML document to be embedded within another HTML document. IFrames may be used in a variety of ways to enhance the user website experience, including displaying advertising content and comparing multiple documents.
Techopedia Explains Inline Frame
An IFrame element may contain another HTML document or even an entire website within the same browser window. In addition to having an independent scrollbar, the IFrame can serve as a link target, be printed and contains viewable source code. The IFrame allows Web programmers to change frame content via the utilization of client-side scripting (JavaScript) without requiring the website to be reloaded, allowing for interactive Web applications.
In early 2008, hackers distributed harmful iFrame content within search engine results, and a number of well-known websites, (for example, ABC News), were victimized. When such an i Frame overlay attack occurs, hackers embed iFrames within highly-trafficked websites to redirect users to websites containing malicious content, which is automatically downloaded when the websites are accessed.
As of HTML 5, framing (as implemented by the FRAME, FRAMESET and NOFRAMES HTML elements) were made obsolete, with the exception of the IFrame element.