Internal Financing

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What is Internal Financing?

Internal financing is when a company funds its operations using its own resources as opposed to taking out loans, issuing equity, or using external resources for its funding.


What is Internal Financing?

Key Takeaways

  • Internal financing can be used to help businesses grow.
  • Instead of using external financing, internal financing utilities a company’s own resources.
  • Asset sales, retained earnings, and owner’s capital are all examples of internal financing.
  • Internal financing is often cheap, fast, and gives the company full control over their financing.
  • Many companies cannot produce their own internal capital, and doing so may lead to slower growth and other missed opportunities.

How Internal Financing Works

When a company wants to start a new project or grow in a new market, it often needs more capital to do so. While many companies look toward external investors or lenders to obtain financing, they can instead use internal financing to fund these operations.

The process of internal financing depends on the source of financing and how it’s being used. Most often, a company’s management and/or board of directors will make the ultimate decision on what type of internal financing to use, how much capital is needed, and how it should best be distributed in order for a company to achieve its goals.

Sources of Internal Financing

Companies that are looking for internal financing to raise capital have several options to choose from.

These include:

Retained earnings
Instead of distributing some of the company’s net profit to shareholders, a company can use those funds to fund its operations.
Owners capital
Utilizing money invested by the business owner to fund operations.
If a company has profited off of its own investments, it can use those profits in its operations. 
Asset sales
When a company sells its underutilized assets to obtain more capital.
Cost reductions
Reducing operating expenses and saving cash to fund further operations.

Internal Financing vs. External Financing

Internal Financing vs. External Financing

Internal Financing Examples

Internal financing has been used across industries and sectors throughout time to help companies grow.

Here are several examples of well-known companies that have utilized internal financing:


The technology giant has a history of internal financing. Apple often utilizes its retained earnings instead of external financing to fund its development of the iPhone, iPad, and other product development.


By reducing costs and improving efficiency throughout the supply chain, Walmart can save money and reinvest it into its brick-and-mortar (B&M) stores.


The electric car maker has previously earned profits from the sale of non-core assets like solar bonds and used the funds to reinvest in its business.


The global consumer goods company which is known for brands like Dove, Hellmann’s, and Axe, used its cash reserves to purchase Dollar Shave Club in 2016 for $1 billion. 

Internal Financing Pros and Cons

  • Generally, no fees or costs are associated with internal financing
  • Less risk since no external parties are used
  • Can be completed faster than external financing
  • No restrictions on how the financing can be used
  • Not possible for many companies that can’t find capital
  • Constrained by the resources of the company and leads to slower growth
  • May require selling assets or foregoing alternative investments
  • Can lead to underinvestment into other, more profitable projects

The Bottom Line

When considering the internal financing definition, you should first determine whether your company has the resources to obtain capital internally.

While internal financing may be cheap, fast, and has no restrictions on the usage of funds, it may require asset sales and can constrain a company’s future. You may want to conduct a cost benefit analysis to determine which type of financing is right for you. This will help you consider the benefits and drawbacks of internal and external financing before determining how to fund your business.


What is internal financing in simple terms?

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Daniel Pelberg
Financial Journalist
Daniel Pelberg
Financial Journalist

Dan has been a content and copywriter in the financial services and fintech industries for over a decade where he has seen firsthand the evolution of financial services and helped many companies convey complex information to a wide audience, both in the B2B and B2C markets. Dan has an affinity for all types of content in the financial sector, whether it’s writing an educational script for a new financial product video, a monthly newsletter for a financial advising firm, or a blog post for a new Bitcoin service. As a digital freelancer, Dan has had the opportunity to work with…